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The Razor

What the heck is a single blade razor?

It is only the closest, smoothest shave ever. A single-blade razor is a metal razor, usually made of stainless steel or brass, featuring a single removable blade. It’s also called a safety razor because its design includes a bar that directly removes

How do I use a single blade razor?

If you remember only one piece of advice, it's this: don't press into your skin like you're using a plastic razor. That's a big no-no. It's weighted to add all the pressure you need to shave. But if you'd like to remember more advice, read below!. Be

Will a safety razor prevent ingrown hairs and razor burn?

Yes, it can! Since a single-blade (safety razor) shaves your hair at skin level, there are fewer chances of hair regrowth getting trapped below the epidermis, the surface of the skin. When hair has to struggle through your follicles, it irritates the

Should I shave with an oil or a creme?

Yes, to either. But we don't recommend shaving with soap unless you have access to the most luxurious buttery soap ever. If you do, tell us what it is; we love soap!. Your razor will perform best when you have a buffer between your skin & the blade.

How often should I change the blade?

We recommend that you change your blades every 5-7 shaves. Changing your blade is directly correlated to the issues you experience with your skin, so just as you’d wash your makeup brushes to prevent bacteria-fueled breakouts, you should change your

Why is your single-blade razor so expensive?

We engineer and manufacture our single-blade razor in Germany, working with one of only a handful of remaining manufacturers in the world that craft safety razors. Damn, this good taste. It’s a small operation, our team is fairly compensated, our mat

How long does the razor last and how do I care for it?

To help you get the most out of your razor, here are a few tips to keep it in great condition for years to come:. • To prevent rust, it's important to store your razor in a dry place outside of the shower. Steam and moisture can cause damage over tim

Can I travel with a safety razor?

A safety razor can only be packed in checked luggage, not carry-ons. *Shakes fist at TSA*